Shams tabrizi homosexual
Shams tabrizi homosexual

shams tabrizi homosexual

Result, men are closer to each other than we can readily understand-Īnd they are so without being any more homosexual (in a religion Segregation of men and women for over a thousand years. In Islamic societies there has been a general Poetry and Persian culture in the context of Islam and Islamic And it is a also Western misunderstanding of Persian These two great sufi saints, and it is a suspicion or assumption with However, there is no evidence of a "physical relationship" between "ripped" from the collar to the lower chest.) Shaykh turns in the center while holding the cloak as if just Something done in a symbolic way in the Mevlevi samâ` when the into pieces, or tearing the upper part of one's shirt or. Public nudity is forbidden in Islam and this "tearing" was done byĭervishes during samâ` and involved tearing one's cloak Such as references to "nudism"- in which he is depicted asīecoming so ecstatic that he would tear of all his clothes. Responsible for giving a false impression of "Rumi's sensual side," Graduate school in San Francisco during the 1990's see also about his "Teachings").Īnd distorted versions of Rumi's poetry (not only his) are largely Andrew Harvey, an openly gay author ofīooks on Rumi, is said to have proclaimed this in public lectures asĪ fact (at least in lectures he gave while on the faculty of a private Know how sexual energy builds up over time, and they were so Sexual, as well as a deeply spiritual, relationship. Thought is almost irresistible to wonder if they might have had a Months secluded together [actually, in the prayer-retreat cell of They were so enthralled with each other that they spent several Together might be homosexuals or bisexuals.Īs a result, when we read that when Mevlana and Shams first met, Who are exceptionally close to each other and enjoy spending time Increasingly become accepted and viewed as natural in our culture.Īs a result, it is more common to think/assume/suspect that men Next, it is necessary to recall how much homosexuality has Have a physical relationship or "spiritual lovers," such as theĬelibate Catholic nuns who view themselves as "married" to Christ. Sexual or "Platonic lovers," who are in love, but choose not to "unrequited lovers," meaning people in love who are unable to be "people who have or had sex together." There is no longer anyĬoncept of lovers who don't engage in sex with each other: such as "having sexual relations." Similarly, "lovers" now always means Thirty years ago, for example, "making love" in popular songs "lover" have become sexualized in the English language. Next, its necessary to consider how much the words "love" and So in this sense Mevlana and Shams certainly were

shams tabrizi homosexual

Paths of sufism that view the mystic seeker as the lover and God as The word "lover" means being a lover of God. You asked about the relationship between Hazrat-e Mevlana andįirst of all, it is necessary to understand that in Persian sufi poetry, To learn more about our books and journals programs, please visit us at our website.A Reply to Misunderstandings about Rumi and Shams by Ibrahim Gamard (1/01)

shams tabrizi homosexual

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Shams tabrizi homosexual